Här presenteras några av de domare som var inbjudna att döma på utställningen vid Stockholms Hundmässa 2013. Det är domarnas egna texter, vilket gör att de är på olika språk. Sök på domarens förnamn.
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Frank och Margaret Wildman, Storbritannien, kan inte komma på grund av sjukdom. Frank Wildman skulle på lördagen döma hundrasen fransk bulldogg (ej juniorklass hanar) och på söndagen boxer och mastiff. Han ersätts av Nina Karlsdotter (reservdomare) båda dagarna. Margaret Wildman skulle på lördagen döma hundraserna fransk bulldogg (juniorklass hanar) och tibetansk spaniel, och på söndagen engelsk bulldogg och bullmastiff. Hon ersätts av David Ojalvo båda dagarna.
Även Birgit Seloy, Danmark, har varit tvungen att lämna återbud. Hon skulle på lördagen döma hundraserna mops (juniorklass och veteranklass hanar), yorkshireterrier och strävhårig foxterrier och ersätts då av Siv Jernhake, Sverige. På söndagen skulle Birgit Seloy döma dvärgschnauzer (svart, juniorklass) och dvärgpinscher, och ersätts då av Kurt Nilsson (reservdomare).
A, B, C | D, E, F | G, H, I | M, N, O | P, Q, R | S, T, U, V, W | X, Y, Z, Å, Ä, Ö
Vill du veta vilken domare som dömer din hundras, ta en titt i PM för utställare.
A, B, C
Ann Ingram
I was born into the world of dogs with a mother who bred Boxers and a father who was a Terrier man and professional handler, I started to handle almost as soon as I could walk!! Wanting to have something different for myself I bought a Boston Terrier from England which became my first English Champion when I was just 14 years old. It was not long before I transferred my affections to Boxers and Poodles and in later years Lhasa Apsos with the occasional Whippet, Beagle, Pug and Shetland Sheepdog just for fun!!! I have subsequently made up 26 English Champions and over 100 Irish Champions.
Past President of the Irish Boxer Dog Club and Poodle Club of Ireland and currently President of The Boxer Society of Ireland. Aged 16, I had my first judging appointment under both I.K.C. and E.K.C. Rules. And awarded Greenstars in Ireland for the first time. I awarded C.C.s in the UK for the first time, in 1977 at the Scottish Boxer Club Silver Anniversary Ch. Show. I judged regularly over the following years and became an All Rounder under I.K.C. Rules in 1984. I am currently an All Breeds Judge under F.C.I. Rules and I am approved in the UK to judge at Group Level, All Groups & Best In Show.
I have regularly judged in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, South America and 20 European Countries, around 40 Countries in total, including 3 times at the Stockholm International Winners Show, The European Winners Show Budapest, European Winners Show Dublin, Hobart Royal, Best In Show at Brisbane Royal , Best In Show Helsinki International Winners Show, 2 appointments at Crufts, and looking forward to judging Toy Poodles at Crufts 2014 and Breeds and Group 9 at the World Show Finland 2014.
I still love the Breeding side of the Dog World & try to find a balance between judging and breeding dogs. I no longer show Boxers but I still exhibit Toy Poodles on a regular basis and won the Dog C.C. at Crufts 2008 and World Winner Stockholm 2008. And World Winner Herning 2010 , and made up my 26th U.K champion in November 2012.
Anne-Chaterine Edoff
Uppväxt utan hund men såg till att få grannars hundar både rastade och “uppfostrade”. Började en tvärhand hög med en airedale terrier följd av en newfoundland, snart var det tre kapplöpningsgreyhounds som skulle rastas på frukostrasten under skoltiden. Alla ägare intresserade att lära ut om just deras ras…
I högstadiet fick min klassföreståndare mig att handlöst falla för schäferhunden! Sedan dess obotligt fast, 40 år med aktivt schäferhundägande och under 25 år liten uppfödning med maken Bosse under kennelnamnet Bocanis.
Har därutöver ägt am cocker, norfolk terrier, pointer och nu en fantastisk perro de agua espanol som ”äger” huset. Utbildad inom Schäferhundklubben i anatomi, exteriör och som specialdomare, utbildad i SBK som lärare-mentaltestdomare-beskrivare m.m. Utbildad i SKK, aukt. exteriördomare 1989 FCI, BPH-beskrivare m.m. Arbetat ras-/speciaklubb. Nu starkt engagerad med BPH arbete. Har dömt i våra grannländer öst-väst, Irland, Estland, Israel, Singapore, Filipinerna.
Anthony Moran
Arja Koskelo
Arne Foss
Béla Siklósi
My name is Béla Siklósi, and I am from Hungary. I am the president of the Kennel Club in Pécs.
I did my first exams for judging of St. Bernards and Pyrenean breeds in 1985. Since then I has continued doing exams for the FCI Groups I & II. I have judged in 55 countries all around the world, at International and Club Special shows as well as several times at World and European Winner Dog Shows.
My first dog was a St. Bernards, which I got in 1975. I did end up breeding Saints at the end of the eighties. At the beginning of the 90’s I became interested in Newfoundlands, caught by their great personality and wonderful soul. I was at a dog show as an exhibitor first time in 1976. My Newfoundlands won fantastic results during the years, both at International and Club Special Shows. Several times they also won BIS in European Dog Shows, also won RBIS title at World Dog Show. In England at Crufts, they also won twice BOB.
My life is complete just with the dogs. I enjoy the dog shows independently I am judging or showing!
Birgit Seloy
Haft med hunde at gøre siden barn. Autoriseret i 1983 som dommer for gruppe 3, senere for gruppe 9, og en del racer i gruppe 2 og 5. Opdrættet ruhåret foxterrier siden barn, senere et fåtal Norwich og de sidste 15 år mops. Opdrættet/ejet op mod 100 champions gennem de sidste 40 år. Dømt i de fleste europæiske lande og Canada. Dømt flere Europa og verdensvinderudstillinger. Har modtaget Dansk Kennel klub og Dansk Terrierklubs gulmedaljer for opdræt. I det daglige liv anæstesisygeplejerske. Jeg ser frem mod at dømme fine hunde og det altid flotte arrangement i SKK.
Birgitte Schjöth
Bo Wiberg
1993 blev jag auktoriserad exteriördomare, min grundras är rottweiler som jag skaffade 1966. Jag dömer samtliga raser som Svenska Brukshundklubben har avelsansvar för, och dömer även ett flertal övriga raser i grupp 1, 2 och 5.
Jag har valt att döma i Sverige och i övriga nordiska länder, dömer ca 10 utställningar per år.
Chantal Méry
I started breeding Shih-Tzu in the late seventies. My foundation bitch was Muna vom Tschomo-Lungma, from Mrs Geusendam, the famous German Shih-Tzu breeder. She became World Champion in Bern (Switzerland), Swiss, French and Belgian Champion. She was International Champion and Bundeszieger as well.
I never produced many puppies, but always try to improve the breed. I began judging in 1985, and was qualified in 1988. I judge in group 1, 6, 10, all group 5 and all group 9. I am President of the Club Français de l’Eurasier, and the Chow-Chow Club Français.
I belong as vice-president to the committee of the club CCCE (chihuahuas, coton de Tulear and Chinese Crested dogs, Peruvien and Xolo). I have judged international dog shows mostly in France and in Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Cesky, Hungary etc ...) I have had the honour to be invited to judge European and World Dog Show. I am very much looking forward to judging in Stockholm 2013.
D, E, F
Dan Ericsson
Danny Gilmour
Danny Gilmour har tyvärr lämnat återbud på grund av sjukdom. Han ersätts på lördagen av Göran Bodegård (staffordshire bullterrier). På söndag döms whippet av Richard Meen, Kanada.
Eeva Rautala
Enrique Fillipini
Enrique Filippini was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He started his canine activity on the Argentinean dog clubs more than thirty years ago. His experience in purebred dogs began with the breeding and exhibition of Boxers, followed by Miniature Pinschers, Borzoi and Italian Greyhounds. He has achieved many high honors with his Miniature Pinscher in South America and Europe. His kennel has produced several champions of different breeds and many "Best in Show" dogs.
Later, more breeds were introduced in his kennel for breeding and exhibition: Afghan Hound, English Cocker Spaniel, Doberman, Chihuahua (both varieties), Fox Terrier (Smooth and Wire), Saluki, Maltese, Chow Chow, Yorkshire Terrier, Shar Pei and Shih Tzus, which have obtained a great success. With several of his "Alba's Imperial" Shih Tzus he won "Best Dog of the Year All Breeds" with the following dogs “Alba´s Imperial Narat-Zu” in 1979 & 1980, “Alba´s Imperial Kanashiro” in 1984 and “Alba´s Imperial Div-Na in 1989”. So he has been "Best Breeder" and "Best Exhibitor" of all breeds in 1979, 1980, 1984 and 1989, becoming the first breeder to obtain such honors for four times in his country.
In 1984, he started to judge the Group IX (Toy and Companionship Group). He was recognized as All Breeds judge in 1988. In 1989 he was Founder Member and Breed Director of the "Shih Tzu Can Club". He is also specialist judge of the following breeds: Poodle (all varieties), Chihuahua (long and short hair), Dalmatians, Shih Tzu, Kuvasz and Afghan Hound. Mr. Filippini is one of the most experienced judges of his country, where he has judged at international, national, regional and specialist shows. At present, he is a recognized judge of the Federation Cinológica Argentina and the Federation Cynologique International, who is allowed to judge all breeds, all groups and Best in Show.
He has stopped showing dogs in 1994, because of many invitations to judge abroad. He has judged in Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Russia, Japan, Peru, Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, England, United States of America, Belgium, El Salvador, Portugal, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Panama, Colombia, Alaska, Luxembourg, Sweden, Cuba, Philippines, Iceland, Thailand, India, etc. He has also judged at the American and Caribbean Championship Dog Show: 1996 (Costa Rica), 1997 (Puerto Rico), 1998 (Paraguay), 2000 (Ecuador) and 2001 (Brazil), “The AKC/Eukanuba, Dog Show in Long Beach”, etc. At the World Dog Show held in Buenos Aires (Argentina, 1993), at the Swiss World Dog Show (Bern, 1994), at the World Dog Show 1996 (Vienna and Budapest), at the World Dog Show 1999 (Mexico) ), at the Word Dog Show 2002 (Holland),at theWorld Dog Show 2004(Brazil), at theWorld Dog Show 2005 (Argentina) at the World Dog Show 2007 (Mexico). His next judgment assignments include different clubs from Argentina, Brazil, Canada and the United States of America. Also Club of Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, Honduras, Indonesia, Hawaii, Gibraltar, Japan, Stockholm, the World Dog Show 2014 in Finland, etc.
Filip Johnsson
Jag började mitt “hundliv” 1968 med en golden retriever och har förblivit rasen trogen sedan dess. Just nu har jag den 12:e generationen från min stamtik här hemma.
Mitt huvudsaliga intresse är utställning och avel och under åren har det resulterat i mer än 200 certvinnare, ett stort antal champions samt ett antal BIG/BIS-placeringar. Jag har också ägt och fött upp ceskyterrier sedan 1972, en uppfödning som resulterat i mer än 50 champions över hela världen och ett par världsvinnare. Uppfödningen av ceskyterrier resulterade i Hamiltonplaketten och även Svenska Terrierklubbens uppfödarmedalj.
Jag blev officiell domare för golden retriever 1983 och är numera grupp 8 allrounder och dömer även OES, bearded collie och ceskyterrier.
Mitt intresse för flat coated retriever väcktes på ett tidigt stadium då uppfödaren jag köpte min första golden retriever av även hade flat coated retriever, som på den tiden nära nog var unik. Rasens utveckling sedan dess har varit otrolig och det avelsarbete som bedrivits av uppfödarna inom rasen är imponerande. Det är en ras som alltid är intressant och rolig att få döma då den generellt håller en imponerande kvalitet. Jag blev auktoriserad på rasen 1994 och har dömt rasen i Europa och Ryssland.
Frank Wildman
G, H, I
Hans Lehtinen
Hans van den Berg
When I was born, Popov, a scottish terrier, stood guard at my cradle and so it's hardly surprising that that breed should have played an important role in my life. In 1961 we went with our first "show"scottie to the clubshow of the the Dutch Scottish Terrier Club and Dumbarton Duskie won het first cc. In 1962 she became the first champion we had. Later on we bred many scottie champions under the Rymore prefix.
Judging started in 1976 and I have been to most of the European countries, many Asian and South American countries, to Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia. At the moment I am judging allmost every weekend.
Of course there are many "highlights": I judged at 10 world shows and a lot of European shows; did twice BIS at the Amsterdam Winner Show, judged at Crufts and I am qualified to judge all groups and BIS in England. Holland has a long history in dog breeding and showing and it was a great honour for me being asked to judge BIS at the European winner show in Holland just one week before I am judging in Barnaul. I have been judging in Sweden many, many times and I allways like the professional way of organising your shows.
It is quite a long time ago I judging in Stockholm and I am very happy with the breeds I am doing in December.
Ichiro Ishikawa
Mr. Ichiro ishikawa is an FCI All-Breed Judge and a JKC All-Breed Judge, and manager of the JKC Judges Education Section. He has grown up with Dachshunds from early childhood, as his father has been breeding Dachshunds. Has been involved in breeding Dachshunds, and has produced more than 90 champions with his father. Has also been involved in breeding West Highland White Terriers, Pekingese, and so on.
Mr. Ichiro ishikawa was approved to judge Dachshunds in 1987, and after that, has became an all-breed judge in 2002. Has judged at many shows throughout Japan including the FCI International Dog Shows and Specialty Shows for Dachshunds, Beagles, Siberian Huskies and Pomeranians. He currently works as the Manager of the JKC Judges Education Section and devoting himself to educating dog show judges.
He has also judged at many shows in Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Belarus, Canada, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Brazil, including the FCI World Dog Show in 2007 (in Mexico) and in 2008 (in Sweden), as well as Specialty Shows for Pomeranians (in Taiwan and Brazil), Shibas (in Sweden), Samoyed (in Finland), Japanese Spitz (in Finland), Jack Russell Terriers (in Australia), Pekingese (in Australia), Herding Group Show (in Canada) and Toy Group Show (in New Zealand).
J, K, L
John Reeve-Newson
Dr. John Reeve-Newson graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1964. After graduation, John practiced in Chicago for two years then returned to Toronto and established The Animal Clinics One and Two, where he is still in active practice. With Dr. Richard Meen, he established Kishniga Kennels in 1971. In partnership, they have bred group and BIS winning Dobermans, Old English Sheepdogs, Skye Terriers, French Bulldogs, Borzoi and Harriers. They have also owned and exhibited group and BIS winning Lakeland Terriers, Norwich Terriers, Standard Poodles, Scottish Deerhounds, American Foxhounds and Whippets.
In 1977 Kishniga’s Desert Song, a Borzoi, bred by John and Richard and shown by Richard was Canada’s top dog all breeds. The following year “Moustache” as he was called was exhibited in the USA and was number two hound in the USA. He is still the record holder for the breed with forty-seven all breed BIS in Canada and the USA to his credit. His brother “Dalgarth” was the youngest of his breed to win a BIS, which he did at nine months of age. Dalgarth was later owned and exhibited by Dyanne Roth of California. His American BIS total was twenty-nine. The brothers are still among the top fifty winning hounds in the history of the AKC. In 1985, a grandson of Desert Song went BIS at the World Show held in Mexico City.
John, since becoming licensed to judge, has officiated at shows in Canada, USA, Mexico, China, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Columbia, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, Uruguay and Portugal. He has had the honour of judging at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City on five occasions, including the Hound Group at the 2004 show. John is a member of the Ontario Sighthound Association, The Borzoi Club of Canada, Borzoi Club of America, Midwest Borzoi Club, Morris and Essex Kennel Club and the Santa Barbara Kennel Club.
Professionally he is a member of the Canadian Veterinary Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association and the College of Veterinarians of Ontario where he has served as Councilor and as President 1993–1994. He was the founder, and is still, the CEO of the Veterinary Emergency and Referral Clinic Partnership of Toronto, the first veterinary emergency clinic established in Canada. John is also a founding member of the Canadian Animal Wellness Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing financial aid to economically disadvantaged pet owners whose companion animals are in need of emergency or specialty veterinary care.
John is licensed to judge all breeds.
Kari Granaas Hansen
Kari Järvinen
Karl-Erik Johansson
Karl-Erik Johansson är född 1947 och numera pensionerad banktjänsteman. Boxer sedan 1962. Domare sedan 1977, allround 1997. Fött upp boxer i mycket begränsad omfattning i Kalles kennel. Dömt i alla världsdelar. Dömer cirka 30-35 helger per år.
Kenneth Edh
Kurt Nilsson
Laurent Pichard
Luís Manuel Calado Catalan
Born in Lisbon in 1955, Luis Catalan has had breed involvement with English and American Cocker, Basset Hound and Whippet. He is currently Vice-President of the Board of Clube Português de Canicultura (CPC), President of the CPC Show Committee, Member of the FCI Show Committee and President of the Portuguese Spaniel Club.
International All Breeds Judge, he has officiated at Championship Dog Shows in the majority of the European countries. He has also judged in South America, USA and World and European Dog Shows.
As a speciality Judge (including national Specialities) he has been invited to judge and give formation in judge`s seminars on the following breeds: Portuguese Breeds, Basset Hound, Doberman, All Gundogs and Sight hounds in several European and America countries.
Fluent in English, French and Spanish.
Luis Pinto Teixeira
M, N, O
Margaret Wildman
Marianne Holm
Marianne Holmli
Jeg er født i 1960 og startet mitt hundeliv i 1977 og da med Chow Chow. Mitt første Chow Chow kull ble født i 1980 med kennelnavn PEI FANG, i 1981 ble det i tillegg til Chow, Norsk Elghund Sort tett fulgt av Engelsk Setter og Dachs. Jeg har nå sammen med min mann, Engelsk Setter, Chow Chow, Strihåret Dachs og Norsk Elghund Grå, samt familiens maskot, en Mops.
I 1999 ble jeg utdannet eksteriørdommer og har dømt i Norge, Sverige, Finland, Rusland, Nederland, Tyskland, Italia, USA, Wales, Skotland, Irland, Østerike og Danmark, dommergjerningen ser jeg på som ett stort privilegium og ser med gelde fram til helger hvor jeg får æren av og dømme hunder det er lagt ned masse arbeid i. Jeg tilegner meg på denne måten kunnskap om de forskjellige raser fra forskjellige land. Har etter hvert blitt autorisert på ca. 130 raser og dømmer hele gruppe 4 - 5 - 7 mange raser fra gruppe 9 og snart alle Spanielraser fra gruppe 8. Det varierer fra år til år hvor mye jeg dømmer, men mellom 20 og 30 utstillinger i året har det blitt de siste årene.
Jeg sitter i styret i Norske Elghundklubber Forbund og har gjort det i 10 år, som første valgte dame på 101 år...! Medlem i Norsk Kennel Klub`s Dommerutdanningskomite och medlem av Norsk Kennel Klub`s Hovedstyre.
Marie Petersen
Marina Bengtsson
Matti Tuominen
Mette EM Tufte
Nina Karlsdotter
Min hundhistoria startade när jag var ung. I min familj fanns tibetansk spaniel och dvärgpinscher – som sällskapshundar. Mitt intresse för schnauzer startade när jag flyttade hemifrån och då – 1972 – köpte en riesenhane och ett år senare köpte jag också en tik. Uppfödarna till dessa hundar introducerade mig i utställningsvärlden och så småningom blev de båda riesenschnauzrarna champions. Mitt hundintresse stegrades förstås. Under slutet av 70-talet producerade jag två riesenkullar varav några av valparna meriterade sig på olika sätt.
1975 köpte jag min första dvärgschnauzer, en peppar och salt-hane som ursprungligen kom från USA. Med honom rönte jag stora utställningsfram-gångar, bl.a. blev han BIS på en stor specialutställning. Med tiden blev det fler ”dvärgar”, bl.a. fyra från USA och fyra från England. Efter det har jag också importerat från Ungern och Spanien. Under ett tiotal år hade jag också schnauzer och producerade ett par kullar.
Min uppfödarkarriär startade 1975 och mitt kennelnamn är Impact´s. Av schnauzrarna föder jag idag bara upp dvärgschnauzer och har producerat ett antal champions och för detta arbete erhållit SSPK:s uppfödarmedalj. Sedan lång tid tillbaka hyser jag också ett stort intresse för affenpinscher och köpte min första hane 1990 och har numera två affenpinschertikar och har även haft min första affenpinscherkull.
1987 kom jag in på domarutbildningen och samma år blev jag auktoriserad på schnauzer och pinscher. Efter detta har jag fortsatt att utveckla mig och studerat nya raser, med början inom grupperna 1 och 2. För några år sedan var jag en av fem domare som av SKK/CS erbjöds möjligheten att utbilda mig till allround domare. Detta känner jag mig mycket hedrad och stolt över eftersom jag alltid varit intresserad av att utveckla och bredda mitt hundkunnande. Sedan 2006 är jag auktoriserad FCI all rounder.
Jag har haft förmånen att förutom i de övriga nordiska länderna inkl. Island, få döma även i Ryssland, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Tyskland, Belgien, Holland, Slovenien, Kroatien, Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Grekland, Schweiz, Irland, England, Australien, Japan, Thailand, USA och Canada.
Jag har i många år varit verksam som styrelseledamot i olika hundklubbar, t.ex. Örebro Läns Kennelklubb, Uppsala Läns kennelklubb, Riesenschnauzer-klubben och Svenska Schnauzer-Pincherklubben där jag var ordförande i 10 år. För dessa föreningsengagemang har jag också fått Kennelklubbens förtjänst-tecken i guld. För närvarande är jag ledamot i Svenska Kennelklubbens domarkommitté, som behandlar etiska frågor och utbildningsfrågor för domare.
Otto Schimpf
Dr. Otto Schimpf is born and live in Upper Austria; forestry specialist and University certificated hunter; teacher at the University of Natural Resources and Live Sciences, Vienna. He has bred Dogos Argentinos' (since 1978), Saint Bernard Dogs, Standard Smooth-haired Dachshunds in his kennel "Knausserwald". He is an FCI judge since 1980 and an All-Breed Judge since 2007. He has judged at many International shows on all continents, at several World and European Dog shows including South American and Caribbean Championships. He is President and a founder of the Austrian Dogo Argentino Club since 1979, a founder of the Molosser Club Austria and a founder of the St. Bernard Dogs Club in Austria too. He is Vice President of the Advisory Board of the Austrian Kennel Club (ÖKV).
P, Q, R
Patric Ragnarson
En kort resumé av mitt hundliv: Patric Ragnarson heter jag, och har kennel och katteri Mavibo´s. Exteriördomare blev jag 1999 och dömer raser ur grupp 2, 8 och 9 samt är på gång med raser i grupp 7. Hundar har jag visat på utställning sedan barnsben, och det har alltid funnits hundar i min närhet. Är även utbildad instruktör inom SBK och är aktiv i flera klubbstyrelser inom hund och katt. Jag arbetar vid Ejra Djurklinik i Östersund och har 3 hundar hemma + 4 katter. Ser fram mot att döma SM i junior handling då jag ej dömt JH på flera år. Väl mött!
Paul Stanton
I acquired my first dog in 1964, which was a Shetland Sheepdog called Tint. In 1966, I went to work for the famous Hardacre kennels then mainly breeding and showing Basset Hounds, but Anne Matthews had just starting breeding the then rare Lhasa Apsos and Tibetan Terriers and I became obsessed with the Lhasa’s temperament. In 1969 I acquired my first Lhasa and have had them ever since, and my first Tibetan Terrier, UK Ch Dokham Cavarodossi of Tintavon was born in 1970 who went on to be the first Tibetan Terrier in the world to win BIS at an all breeds Championship show (1974).
I owned or bred 10 UK Champions and I am the only person to have made up Ch.s in the three Tibetan breeds in the UK before moving to Sweden in 1977. We have owned or bred 10 Lhasa Apsos who have won All Breeds BIS and many other group winners but our most famous dog in Sweden was again a Tibetan Terrier, a double grand daughter of Cavarodossi named Int Nordic Ch BIS BISS Tintavon Desdemona who won Top Dog all breeds in Sweden, Finland and Nordic competitions in 1979.
Brown Miniature Poodles were kept for a short time where we made up two Int, Champions and bred one litter which resulted in two new Champions.
Whippets came into our house about 25 years ago and we breed the odd litter with some excellent results like Best female at the famous Swedish sight hound show, her grand daughter won BPIS at the same show and whose son is now a group winner.
Due to many judging engagements breeding and showing was planned to be kept at a minimum but we still keep four dogs, one Lhasa, one Whippet and two Tibetan Terriers.
We have added a new breed to our kennel, the Thai Bangkaew Dog (Group 5 Primitive Spitz Breed) and are the first to import this breed to Europe & we plan to import more & our first litter was born on the 11 December 2012.
I awarded C.C.s in England in Lhasas (1974) and Tibetan Terriers (1975) before moving to Sweden where I continued my judging exams to become FCI All Rounder in 1996. I have now judged in well over 50 countries on all continents and some of my judging highlights are Crufts in 1981 (Lhasa Apsos) Tibetan Terrier Silver Jubilee show (UK), South Eastern Tibetan Spaniel Ch show (UK), The Chow Chow Ch Show (UK). Canadian English Springer National specialty. Sydney, Perth and Hobart Royals, New Zealand KC National show (1998 & 2008). Gundog group at Hatboro Ch show (USA), 4 Groups at Cherry Blossom Circuit shows 2010 (USA) plus the many times I have had the honour to judge BIS in countries like France, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia & The Scandinavian countries.
My other hobbies are gardening where my passion is for Fuchsias and Brugmansias (angels’ trumpets). I am also very interested in Opera, ballet and culture in general.
Paul Stanton
Per Iversen
Dommer siden 1978, først på Retrieverrasene. Nå dømmer jeg alle raser i gruppe 3-4-6-7-8 og 10 samt noen raser i gruppe 1, 5 og 9.
Egne raser har først og fremst vært Flatcoated Retriever og Whippet. Har også hatt Labrador Retriever, Dachs, Norwich Terrier, glatthåret Fox Terrier og nu Border Terrier.
Medeier i Brenna Kennel, hvor det har vært oppdrett av Whippet siden 1937. Senere også Flatcoated Retriever og langhåret standard Dachs.
Har dømt i over 40 land, 50 ganger i England, 6 ganger på Verdensutstillinger. I 2015 dømmer jeg for 3. gang på Crufts.
Petter Steen
Rita McCarrie Beattie
Robert Dunlop
Rodney Oldham
First involvement in competitive dog activities around 1963 in obedience. First Chow born in 1965 when I was just 15 and we travelled to shows from the south coast by public transport, inc crossing London on the underground and up/down escalators! Worked for sometime for the late Clare Halford of Siccawei Airedale fame.
Notable records include: First Champion made up in 1974 – 13 UK Chow Champions amassing over 150 CCs plus a Tibetan Terrier Champion. First CCs awarded in 1976 and commenced ‘other’ breeds judging in same year. Bred & campaigned Towmena Impudent Miss to take the 50 year old Chow Bitch CC record in 1989 - 40 CCs won and record still stands.
Imported, as a puppy, Ch Fort Knox Here’s The Tiger at Towmena from Sweden who won 22 CCs, 19 with BOB but more importantly became a dominant sire, including 9 English Champion offspring and topping the Utility Group in 1988. His name features in the pedigrees of many winning dogs around the world.
Stepped back from regular breeding/exhibiting in 1992 but there have been nearly as many comebacks as Sinatra to make up a further four Champions including the 2006 born Ch Towmena In the Frame with 25 CCs and Puppy Stakes winner on 3 occasions (!) + Junior Stakes finalist. Plus: BIS SWKA 2008, 10 x Group 1 plus numerous other placings. Became Top UK Chow for 2007/8/9 & 10.
Other breeds have been kept/bred including Pekingese, Airedale Terriers, Griffons, Norwich & Lakeland Terrier and have also lived alongside such other breeds as Labradors, Bouvier des Flandres and Tibetan Terriers and a Champion made up in the latter.
Served on breed club and general society committees and originally proposed and help set up both the Hip Scoring and the Chow judges training schemes. President of The National Chow Chow Club.
Currently approved to award CCs in 37 breeds across 3 groups and the Utility, Working & Pastoral Groups plus BIS.
Have judged many times throughout Europe plus South & East Africa, Australia & NZ, Hong Kong and 2 Specialities in USA. Return invitations to Australia and NZ in November 2013 and February 2014 respectively have been accepted.
Rosalie Brady
Mrs Rosalie Brady has been showing dogs since 1955, when she was 10 years old, initially her mother’s Border Terrier and later the same year her own Papillon puppy (from whom all the Bordercot Papillons are descended). Whilst still a schoolgirl, she bred her first Champion (the Papillon, Ch. Ember of Bordercot C.D.Ex., with whom she won Best of Breed at Crufts in 1963 – exactly 50 years ago!), competed successfully in Obedience and Working Trials, and commenced judging. She first judged at Championship Shows at the age of 21 years in 1966, at which time she was appointed to the Papillon Club’s list of approved Championship Show judges.
After her marriage in 1967, Flat Coated Retrievers joined the family for both working (field sports) and show. Flat Coated Retrievers carrying the “Bordercot” kennel name included Ch. Bordercot Stolford Doonigan (former Breed C.C. Record Holder), Ch. Bordercot Guy (Crufts Group Winner), Sh. Ch. Lacetrom Cardow of Bordercot (Group Winner) and currently Sh. Ch. Llantrussa Head Over Heels To Bordercot (Best Of Breed Crufts 2013). The Flat Coat bitch Ch. Stolford Missis Mopp was given to Mrs. Brady by her breeder, Mrs. P. J. Robertson, when she was 7years old (before gaining her title). Mrs. Brady completed her title in the show ring, worked her regularly to the gun every winter and, at 9 years old, achieved Field Trial Awards with her.
Mrs. Brady has judged Flat Coated Retrievers at Championship Shows since 1978 and is on the Flat Coated Retriever Society’s list of approved Championship Show judges. She has judged both Flat Coated Retrievers and Papillons at Crufts. A special honour was judging both Papillons and Flat Coated Retrievers at both the Swedish Kennel Club’s Centenary Show, Stockholm 1989 and the Norwegian Kennel Club’s Centenary Show, Hamar 1998. She has judged in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy and Canada.
She has owned, bred, and shown Shetland Sheepdogs since 1982 and is on the Northern Counties Shetland Sheepdog Club’s list of approved Open Show judges.
In 1995 Mrs Brady fulfilled her lifelong ambition to own and show a Saluki, and a second Saluki puppy joined the household a few years later. Both Salukis became championship show 1st prizewinners. Mrs. Brady has judged Open Show Saluki classes.
She has judged various breeds, Any Variety classes, Groups and Best In Show at All Breed Open Shows. Most prestigiously, she has judged both the Pedigree Chum Champion and Veteran Stakes, and other A.V. Stakes classes, at Championship Shows.
Very few “Bordercot” puppies are bred because all the dogs live in the house as family pets for the whole of their lives, so numbers are very strictly limited. Mrs Brady only breeds a litter if she wants to keep a puppy for herself and more often chooses to keep a male puppy, which further reduces the number of litters bred.
Dogs and Dog Shows have been her passion for more than 50 years!
S, T, U, V, W
Stuart Plane
My first scottie was a pet in 1963 from the Glenrae kennel. He had half of an ear bitten off! My first show dog was of Viewpark breeding, Desert Border Queen given to me by Reg and Josie Gadsden. This was in 1975.
My first Champion was Ch Stuane Princess Royale out of Border Queen who won her qualifying cc at the Scottish Terrier Breeders and Exhibitors show in 1978.
I have had 21 champions, 18 homebred, plus two American imports. Ch. Stuane Princess Royal was mated on two occasions to Ch Kennelgarth Edwin and produced 4 chs. Highland Empress (bitch record holder at one time) Chieftain, Viscountess and Emperor plus a cc winner in Clansman Viscountess went on to produce Ch Stuane Enchanted who was Pup of the Year all breeds in 1986. Empress herself produced a ch.
I have been fortunate to win Pup of the Year twice with Ch Stuane Enchanted and recently with Ch Stuane Florette.
I was secretary of the Durham and Northumberland Scottish Terrier Clubfor 19 years, still on the committee plus ST Club of England. I am also Chairman of the Breed Council.
Sussie Wiles
Jag fick min första labrador 1977, hennes namn var Aroscas Funny Black Souvereign. Hennes uppfödare, Gunilla Andersson, blev en stor inspirationskälla och förebild for mig. Fanny, som vi kallade henne, blev Svensk Champion och jag hade blodad tand. 1985 flyttade jag till England och några år senare gifte jag mig med Richard Wiles som redan var en etablerad labradoruppfödare och domare. Vår gemensamma kennel skapades 1987 under namnet Richbourne med inköpet av Jayncourt Reflection of Richbourne samt Rocheby Play the Game of Richbourne. En senare men mycket inflytelserik tillkomst till vår kennel var Lenches Graceful of Richbourne som visade sig vara en fantastisk avelstik och ligger bakom all vår uppfödning idag. För en ”hundtjej” från Sverige så har det varit det helt fantastiskt få att träffa och lära känna många legendariska brittiska hunduppfödare och få tillfället att ta del av deras enorma kunskap och erfarenhet av labradorer.
Vi har haft privilegiet att föda upp både brittiska show champions och internationella champions. Vårt mål har alltid varit att föda upp sunda, rastypiska hundar med ett “willing to please”-temperament.
Jag började döma labradorer 1985 och har sedan dess haft äran att döma labradorer vid 47 olika tillfällen i många länder över hela världen, inklusive Storbritannien, Australien, Nya Zeeland, Indien, Pakistan, Brasilien, Tyskland, Belgien, Luxemburg, Schweiz, Ryssland, Danmark, Sverige, Serbien, Slovakien, Sydafrika, Italien, Finland, Holland, Österrike, Norge, Israel och Frankrike.
Det är alltid lika roligt att döma labradorer och se hur de har utvecklats i olika länder samt att knyta nya vänskapsband med likasinnade labradorentusiaster.
Jag har varit sekreterare i The Yellow Labrador Club i över 10 år nu, och det känns bra att kunna ge lite tillbaks till vår fina ras som har skänkt oss så mycket glädje. Det är en stor ära för mig att ha blivit inbjuden att döma labradorer på “Stora Stockholm” och jag ser fram emot det med stor förtjusning. Mer om oss och våra hundar kan ni läsa på www.richbourne.com
Tarmo Viirtelä
Jag fick min första hund, en airedaleterrier, år 1966 och har sedan ägt/fött upp raser från grupperna 3, 8, 9 och 10. Mitt kennelnamn är Nutlee, och på senare år har jag fött upp pudlar. Har fått Vuolasvirta-priset för framgångsrik uppfödning av mellanpudlar.
Jag började som domare år 1980 och dömer följande raser:
- schnauzer, svart rysk terrier
- grupp 3, alla raser
- grupp 4, alla raser
- spaniels (inte engelsk springer spaniel)
- barbet, wachtelhund och wetterhoun
- grupp 9 (inte fransk bulldog, griffons, brabancon, king charles spaniel och prazský krysarík)
- grupp 10, alla raser
Jag har dömt i de flesta länder i Europa och ett flertal gånger i Ryssland, samt många vinnarutställningar i Finland och Norge.
Tom Mather
Torbjörn Skaar
X, Y, Z, Å, Ä, Ö
Zeljko Gajic
OBS! Bara hundar som deltar på Stockholm Hundmässa eller är föranmälda får följa med in på mässan.